CNIPA:Report on StatisticalAnalysis of Green andLow-Carbon Patents

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General situation. In 2023, the number of green and low-carbonpatent applications published worldwide was 193,000, achieving a double-digit growth for the first time (+13.0%), the highest since 2017; the numberof patents granted was 95,000, with a year-on-year increase of5.2%. From2016 to 2023, the amount of green and low-carbon patent applicationspublished worldwide totaled 1.276 million, with an average annual growthrate of 4.7%; the number of patents granted totaled 649,000, with anaverage annual growth rate of4.8%.

Distribution over technology fields. In 2023, according to thenumber of patent applications published, energy storage had the highestnumber (76,000),with the fastest year-on-year growth rate (+19.8%)energy saving and energy recycling and utilization ranked second (59,000.+10.7%), followed by clean energy (40,000, +9.4%), carbon reduction offossil energy (17,000 applications, +9.8%), and greenhouse gas capture,utilization and storage (14,000,+10.2%). In 2023, in terms of the numberof patents granted, energy saving and energy recycling and utilization wasthe highest (32,000 patents), with a year-on-year increase of 4.9%, andenergy storage ranked second (31,000, -0.7%), followed by clean energy(20,000, +11.6%) and carbon reduction of fossil energy (10,000 patents,+6.2%), while greenhouse gas capture, utilization and storage had thelowest number but the fastest growth rate (8,000, +16.4%). From 2016 to2023, the average annual growth rates ofpatent applications published andpatent grants in the five fields were as follows: carbon reduction of fossilenergy (+0.2%, +2.1%), energy saving and energy recycling and utilization(+0.7%,+3.1%), clean energy (+2.2%,+1.4%),energy storage (+13.8%,+2.4%),and greenhouse gas capture, utilization and storage (+3.1%+4.5%).

Report on StatisticalAnalysis of Green andLow-Carbon Patents.pdf

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